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Product introduction

Small parts play a big role.
There and there. The work of Chiyoda Gosei.

Introducing the plastic products molded and processed by Chiyoda Gosei. From automobile parts to home appliances and internal structural parts of precision machinery. And from the visible to the invisible. The work of Chiyoda Gosei supports society as a part of society.

Auto parts


Household appliances/precision equipment


Chiyoda Gosei Co., Ltd.

[Head office] 2-12 Kouyama-cho, Mizuho-ku, Nagoya 467-0824

TEL: 052-841-8101 FAX: 052-841-8104

[Taketoyo Factory]6-15 Takashiro, Fuki, Taketoyo-cho, Chita-gun, Aichi 470-2531

TEL: 0569-72-7281 FAX: 0569-72-7285

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